Saturday, September 22, 2012

50’s Day is coming soon!!

    50’s Day is coming soon!!  I just got my 50’s day unit completed!  This day is one of our most memorable in my class.  The children LOVE it. I am posting it tonight on my TPT store.  Hope you enjoy.

    Our kindergarten Team celebrates with rotations for each class.  We each plan an activity to complete with every kindergarten class.  Our students love getting to interact with the other teachers.

I have added many math activities with the number 50, but I have also included several that center around literacy.  I have included the activities we do in our rotation but also many more I do in my classroom during the day.


Making Memories!!


Numbers 0-10 & some 10-20 -Celebrity Unit

We have just adopted the Common Core Math standards this year!!  Our kindergarten team has put a great deal of time and effort into these new standards. Our team of teachers is an awesome group!!!  Only the best for our students.

Our district has dictated what standards we will cover and how long to cover them.  So we started with numbers 0-5 and then will move into numbers 6-10.

My students have really loved the math activities from my Celebrity Unit!!

See below:

Great opportunity to talk about left to right also!!

I was able to differentiate with my students.  I made the game using numbers 0-20.  We started with # 0-10, I was curious to see which students could put the numbers in order past 10 when they had easily done 0-10.  I learned a great deal about my friends!!
Making Memories!!


Wow!!  I feel like the past two week have been a blur!!  We have be so fast paced at school.  The children have really begun to get into the routines.  We have been having such a great time while learning.
   During shapes my friends have really enjoyed our math integration.  I ask , "What has been your favorite parts of the week .“  And their response was:

Making shapes with craft sticks

Making shapes with their bodies


Making shapes with the geo boards

The planning stage!!  :)

I was really surprised, not a single recess was mentioned!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012


Amazing, that I am talking about the upcoming election, but I have begun gathering my old ideas and putting together an even more FUN and Exciting experience for my classroom friends.  My great friend in second grade, Mrs. Reese, and I are teaming up for a great learning experience for our students.

       I really have enjoyed this unit every four years for the Presidential Election.  This will be the first time Mrs. Reese and I have partnered for this fun.  Four years ago she was in kindergarten with me and now she is enjoying a new adventure in 2nd grade.

       We are in the beginning stages of this unit.  One example is getting our children registered to vote in the upcoming election we will be holding.

       I will be adding pictures as soon as we get a few together.  I can’t seem to, locate my ones from the past elections.     

       This has been taking up most of my free time.  I will get some pictures from our unit we are in the middle of now ASAP.  I have some great pictures from our 2-D shape unit we are now in the middle of.  Great fun today with simple craft sticks.

       I have just put my Vote unit on TPT.  See below for a little preview of what it looks like.

Making Memories!!!